To most Android phones, the directions to turning on the Android safe mode are the same. How to Enable the Safe Mode in Android Phone? In this case, you just need to solve the software problems but don't need to buy a new phone.
This means the problems of your device is not caused by the hardware if it is able to run fine while in the safe mode. Then what is the Android safe mode for? The safe mode in your Android phone can help you zoom in on the reason behind your phone running very slow or crashing. However, it only serves as a troubleshooting tool and is therefore not a solution to these problems. The Android safe mode is therefore a handy tool to prevent your phone from crashing or running really slow. But now, when you initiate the safe mode, your Android phone only loads the operating system without any third-party Apps. When you boot your Android phone, it loads the operating system as well as third-party applications and widgets found on the home screen. What is the Android Safe Mode and What's It for? The Way to Turn off the Android Safe Mode