In either case I have to manually reposition and resize them every time this happens. Sometimes the application window takes up only 50% of the window. It happens randomly and I don't know why. Notice that the window is moved ever so slightly from the bottom left corner of the screen.
For example when I place Firefox window to take up roughly 75% of the left section of the screen, if any of the following things happen: Now the windows randomly change position and size. I can arrange windows manually (although the lack of window to window snapping, which AllSnap provided up until now, is annoying) and up until now they would stay in place, but in Windows 10 something changed. I'd be OK with these two applications not working. I'm guessing it's because the new 'Snap' feature that's been introduced, but this 'Snap' doesn't come close to what WinSplit Revolution offered.
I don't know if anyone here noticed, but applications that I've become used to and have worked up until now on Windows, WinSplit Revolution for window tiling and AllSnap for window snapping no longer work. I upgraded to Windows 10 on the 29th on my laptop and I'm pretty much OK with everything except the new window management that's been put in place.